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Thread: End pug-only minis now!

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Laethiel View Post
    Nah bro you are trash.. There are enough of us online at times. we cant seem to get our collective **** together to make in guild stuff happen.

    i aint trolling you im telling you how it is. Crying to funcom aint going to change anything. Like i told syd i dont care im just a realist meaning i know exactly how this debate is going to end up. in funcoms recycle bin

    Besides i tried to get organized minis going last night. what do you know, noone was interested. not even anyone in our guild. Will keep trying to get this going but i suspect it wont happen til after the event and even then if i dont allow pvp 5 people dont wanna do it. why? pvp 5 imo belongs in the tier 2 bracket. but if i cant get this going otherwise ill open it up to pvp 5 i guess.

    btw the correct spelling is "literally"
    There is really some wrong with you.

    Theo only time we have 12+ online was during the siege.
    AND WE DID do premade ourselves.

    Rest of the time we barely have 4-5 players online. Usually when I login its 5-6 players so we ask a premade.
    Stop trying to make yourself look better on the forums by spewing out all these lies " OH carnage has plenty online we just don't premade our sleves blah blah" When we have enough online me and anatu always try to get something going. Don't even start to try trolling us.

    PS you are garbage literately.

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Spaartacus View Post
    There is really some wrong with you.

    Theo only time we have 12+ online was during the siege.
    AND WE DID do premade ourselves.

    Rest of the time we barely have 4-5 players online. Usually when I login its 5-6 players so we ask a premade.
    Stop trying to make yourself look better on the forums by spewing out all these lies " OH carnage has plenty online we just don't premade our sleves blah blah" When we have enough online me and anatu always try to get something going. Don't even start to try trolling us.

    PS you are garbage literately.
    Stop sharing your account with spaartan... Youre smarter than this, literately!

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Mellaus View Post
    From where i stand, most of the players i hear whining against PUGs minis are the ones who can't take care of themselves and need a team dedicated to carrying them.

    PuGs show exactly that, who can take care of oneself and who can't, then stand on the rezpad whining about no heal no support no cookies.

    Truth is, those trash teams do not happen that often. In my experience, 1 mini out of 5 is really weird in terms of balance, but most of the time, it's mainly OK.
    And also, in most minis, there is support, as long as one does not act stupidly, like for instance that ranger i had in my team when playing my lvl 0 tos.

    That dude did not pay attention nor bother that i had 2 high lvl sins on me 24/7, he just complained about no heal, then after 1 death went into hide on the rezpad and spent the entire mini insulting everyone in the team, claiming we were ****, that the team was trash, etc.

    My point is that, the most vocal people whining about PuGs are very often the very ones who have no clue about team play and that no premade would take in because they're trash players.
    They bring nothing to the table and expect their team to support them 24/7 no matter what, without being themselves able nor fancy to support anyone.

    Bottom line, those threads about trash PuGs are retarded, they do not reflect any actual trend, are vastly exaggerated, are the result of the need to vent some punctual frustration (after having been steamrolled usually) and end up being counter productive for the game community in general and PvP specifically.
    I don't even comprehend why they're not locked immediately. They always end up in flaming, with some wannabe pro trying to show off how awesome they, which is exactly the reason why they need their pocket healer to perform, duh ^^ retarded.
    I am trying to **** my head around your logic.

    So what you're saying is, if you end up on a team as a pvp 4 necromancer that has no healer, while the other team has 2 guardians, an Assassin, Ranger and a healer and if you're incapable of "holding" your own, that classifies you as not a good player?

    I guess that would make sense, coming from a player who plays a Conqueror. A class that nobody will EVER focus and allows for them to freely roam around and do as they please. A class that if it DID get focused, has 2 bubbles, stacks 5 physical torments in a matter of 5 seconds flat and has OLP along side with an aoe knock back all the while sporting full plate with a minor green heal.

    But aside all of that, premade vs premade is stupid, I agree with that and anybody in here crying for that also has issues. All that is needed is a 1 buddy sign up system, no more and no less. This allows for some teamwork and can up the ante on mini games a little more.

    The sad fact is, the average player in AoC is pretty much terrible at this game, all trolling aside. This is something that will never change in AoC and people need to accept that. Premade option is there to sign up if you choose to, but it would be nice if Funcom added something shiny and sexy at the end of the tunnel for winning a premade and also participating in one. This way, people will still want to do it, whether they do it or not. Like in WoW, the system should be a random sign up with statistics and people have no idea who they're going to play. This creates for more competition and allows for the more competitive aspect people are looking for.

    But before all of that is done, class balances need to occur first. Rangers, Necro Dots, OP Easymode Demos, Conqs, Guardians and shitty Assassin and Barb abilities that do too much damage all within a matter of seconds on clothies/light armor need to be looked at and adjusted. There is too much easy mode ability spam going on and not enough combo steps that pump out large damage numbers instead.

    Example of a Conq left alone -

    He isn't good, he just does what he wants. He also has a sin named hititnquitit, he can barely get a positive kdr on it. That's saying something about the class.
    Last edited by iCannon; 19th June 2014 at 21:15.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Spaartacus View Post
    There is really some wrong with you.

    Theo only time we have 12+ online was during the siege.
    AND WE DID do premade ourselves.

    Rest of the time we barely have 4-5 players online. Usually when I login its 5-6 players so we ask a premade.
    Stop trying to make yourself look better on the forums by spewing out all these lies " OH carnage has plenty online we just don't premade our sleves blah blah" When we have enough online me and anatu always try to get something going. Don't even start to try trolling us.

    PS you are garbage literately.
    Anatu tried to do the premade thing but it just never worked out because of whatever

    Granted the consistency of online members isn't ... consistent.. Which is why I am taking some initiative and trying to get stuff going. They are not going to remove pug minis no matter how many tears are shed over it so either accept that or play another game dude. Now don't take what I just said as "oh he must support pug minis" Because frankly I don't But I realize they are a necessary evil. And I know funcom isn't going to budge on this or they would have already.. However if they do sometime I will eat my words.

    I'm not trolling you dude any more than you ever troll me

    And I don't see how you think I'm trying to make myself look better.. I have been away from the forums for a few years. I'm just as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.

    The servers population would not support removing pug minis, people would not be "forced" to do anything other than sit around and be bored waiting for the premade teams to log off so minis could resume. This is exactly what happened back when premade vs pug was in full force. This was during the height of aocs popularity and it had a heavy population . Minigames would simply stop popping because a premade was thrashing everyone they came across.

    Now I can only wonder how many more of these QQ threads.. and let's face it they are QQ threads... We are going to see before people wake up and realize nothing is going to change in this department and either accept it or move on..

    You know what game still has pvp premade/pug stomping? DCUO but the good thing about it there is they limit it to the only 5v5 dm map and mostly stay out of the other queues. I encourage you or anyone to download it, roll a villain and check it out. It's the only other open world pvp mmo I know of and it is rather enjoyable when you have fellow pvpers to play with.
    Last edited by Laethiel; 19th June 2014 at 21:18.
    Live Twitch Stream - Fury PvP - US East Coast Prime Time - Rated MA

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by iCannon View Post
    The sad fact is, the average player in AoC is pretty much terrible at this game, all trolling aside.
    Out of curiosity, how did you come to this conclusion. This statement means that the average player, middle of the pack is bad. With this logic, then anyone above the average player being bad, means anyone better is just average. And anyone below the average player is below terrible.

    So no one is good at the game? Or are you just such a smart player that you excel, and no one can play the game better than you? You do the best raids, lead the best sieges, are the all star of every mini, etc?

    anyone who claims to be the best, is usually one of the worst...

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by mrcorp View Post
    Stop sharing your account with spaartan... Youre smarter than this, literately!
    wtf are you even talking about? You trying to get me banned or some ****? I do not share anything with him.

  7. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Spaartacus View Post
    wtf are you even talking about? You trying to get me banned or some ****? I do not share anything with him.
    Yea you'd have to be an idiot.... To think that was spartan posting lol. It was nowhere near as flame filled as a spartan post..

    It's definitely Jich.
    Live Twitch Stream - Fury PvP - US East Coast Prime Time - Rated MA

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Laethiel View Post
    Anatu tried to do the premade thing but it just never worked out because of whatever

    Granted the consistency of online members isn't ... consistent.. Which is why I am taking some initiative and trying to get stuff going. They are not going to remove pug minis no matter how many tears are shed over it so either accept that or play another game dude. Now don't take what I just said as "oh he must support pug minis" Because frankly I don't But I realize they are a necessary evil. And I know funcom isn't going to budge on this or they would have already.. However if they do sometime I will eat my words.

    I'm not trolling you dude any more than you ever troll me

    And I don't see how you think I'm trying to make myself look better.. I have been away from the forums for a few years. I'm just as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.

    The servers population would not support removing pug minis, people would not be "forced" to do anything other than sit around and be bored waiting for the premade teams to log off so minis could resume. This is exactly what happened back when premade vs pug was in full force. This was during the height of aocs popularity and it had a heavy population . Minigames would simply stop popping because a premade was thrashing everyone they came across.

    Now I can only wonder how many more of these QQ threads.. and let's face it they are QQ threads... We are going to see before people wake up and realize nothing is going to change in this department and either accept it or move on..

    You know what game still has pvp premade/pug stomping? DCUO but the good thing about it there is they limit it to the only 5v5 dm map and mostly stay out of the other queues. I encourage you or anyone to download it, roll a villain and check it out. It's the only other open world pvp mmo I know of and it is rather enjoyable when you have fellow pvpers to play with.
    The fact that im not even arguing to you about pug or premades. I honestly don't even know what you are talking about or why you are replying to me with your essay. No one is crying tears, maybe syd go talk to him if you want. IM just stating the facts about pug mini games. I vote for letting a pair to sign up I've said this on the testlive forums like a year ago go do your readings. Don't give me a long paragraph about a whole other argument which im not even part of with you. You come up here talk crap about our guild not premading each other, im telling you we do and most the time we do not have the numbers to do it. So get your head straight and stop being a delusional moron. I still fail to see why in the mother pedophilic world would you even argue with me about another topic. Freakin weird man. Like your brain dosnt even function properly or something.

    btw siege tonight

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by mrcorp View Post
    Out of curiosity, how did you come to this conclusion. This statement means that the average player, middle of the pack is bad. With this logic, then anyone above the average player being bad, means anyone better is just average. And anyone below the average player is below terrible.

    So no one is good at the game? Or are you just such a smart player that you excel, and no one can play the game better than you? You do the best raids, lead the best sieges, are the all star of every mini, etc?

    anyone who claims to be the best, is usually one of the worst...

    Are you saying the solid 6 A team of Carnage, doesn't excel at the game?

    If so, give your reasons why, display some screenshots or even history events that have occurred in which teams have dominated the "excel" Carnage players? I am being generous on just saying our solid 6, because we have more then 6 that are very good at the game.

    As for your comment on the word average, you would be classified as below. Since you want to be such a "stupid smart ass" about it.

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Spaartacus View Post

    btw siege tonight
    Im not arguing with you that's just it.. The "essay" i wrote is related to the op topic. Wrap your head around that why dont ya.

    I would support 1-2 man teams sign ups but i dont think it will change anything
    Live Twitch Stream - Fury PvP - US East Coast Prime Time - Rated MA

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