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Thread: Crom vs Fury

  1. #1

    Default Crom vs Fury

    This is a thread about the Crom vs Fury debacle.

    i just want to say that this silly business needs to stop.

    We are playing a niche game and we should not be putting each other down for our choice of playstyle.

    If you prefer pve over pvp I can respect that.

    I only ask that you respect my preference of PVP over PVE.

    There always seems to be a negative attitude towards Fury from players who are on Crom or who transferred there.

    you do not need to bash us at every turn.

    We just want to enjoy the game just as you want to enjoy the game.

    So let's all be friends and have fun eh? Good and bad players on both servers. Crom has more players but Fury has what players like me need. Open world PVP. Without that this game is a niche game without the niche...
    I quit the game when fury died pre rage merge. I am only here because now there are players to pvp against! And world pvp!

    I prefer a smaller community of pvp diehards like myself..

    I am simply asking the Crom community to refrain from bashing my preferred server and we will do the same.

    Thank you this has been a PSA from the Spreadman.

    Much Love to all and to all a good night.

    Except the guy on Fury who got fed free kills by his girlyfriend. Not cool dude, you know who you are. I fart in your general direction!
    Live Twitch Stream - Fury PvP - US East Coast Prime Time - Rated MA

  2. #2


    *bumps* for a "well said"
    Khemi. Picture Hell on the cheap then add more whores

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Laethiel View Post
    This is a thread about the Crom vs Fury debacle.

    i just want to say that this silly business needs to stop.

    We are playing a niche game and we should not be putting each other down for our choice of playstyle.

    If you prefer pve over pvp I can respect that.

    I only ask that you respect my preference of PVP over PVE.

    There always seems to be a negative attitude towards Fury from players who are on Crom or who transferred there.

    you do not need to bash us at every turn.

    We just want to enjoy the game just as you want to enjoy the game.

    So let's all be friends and have fun eh? Good and bad players on both servers. Crom has more players but Fury has what players like me need. Open world PVP. Without that this game is a niche game without the niche...
    I quit the game when fury died pre rage merge. I am only here because now there are players to pvp against! And world pvp!

    I prefer a smaller community of pvp diehards like myself..

    I am simply asking the Crom community to refrain from bashing my preferred server and we will do the same.

    Thank you this has been a PSA from the Spreadman.

    Much Love to all and to all a good night.

    Except the guy on Fury who got fed free kills by his girlyfriend. Not cool dude, you know who you are. I fart in your general direction!
    I have played on Fury since 08 until 4 months back😉 and i have huge respect for Furyans exept those who ruin the game for us😉
    Kraamz dt pvp10
    Kramzor hox pvp10
    Quickdash guard pvp7
    Kramzz bs pvp5

    Pressostate conq pvp5

    AFK into the unknown =/

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