Umm this game is sick for PvP and combat. An increase of population over the last 4 month to a current free to play active population of 800,000 makes for an epic server community with a working single server tech that saw all shards merged into one. All content free.

PvP Gear with Tenacity added this month (copied AoC but done right)

Module 3 which is all about PvP has been moved over to live for more testing today. Its nuts.

Patch notes:


If your bored its worth a download and pvp brackets are the same as AoC. 39 mini are epic.

Played neverwinter to kill time until ESO and doubt i will stop playing neverwinter even if eso is not a bust. Its just a great fast combat system and pvp is extremely competitive with sh!t talking and great epeen chat. An amazing amount of PvP guilds from all over the globe.

and Bloodloss is still a beast