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Thread: new aa's ideas

  1. #1

    Default new aa's ideas

    hello first off to yet again point out that previous ones are bad and need a fix.

    unhearthly apprentice
    could be a comander type pet wich reduces hate on necromancer and team members except if in defensive stance and sligtly augments magic damage of team and necromancer 2 minutes cooldown to reuse something like
    7%minus hate buff for team and 100 magic damage(given extremely low bsd coeficients this would be more of a group booster then a necro booster)

    nightmare companions
    the icon looks like dogs, the name makes you think of dogs, so how about you just adapt the already existing guild renown pet and mob (like in lvl60 destiny quest) that looks like this
    to be a 1 minute cooldown summoning 2-3 dogs wich place a dot like that
    and maybe fear enemies or do a hinder movement once upon cast

    funeral rites
    currently this feat extending amount of minions killed replacing draw forth the heart with this spell is simply useless.
    i think this would be nice extra spell to add to middle of mage archetype aa tree bettewen unbinding charm and subtile ilusion
    would be more appropriate if this silver perk would provide faster casting of pets or added extra abilities/reinfoced dots or base damage of pets.

    decays of nature
    only thing needed is slightly extending duration by 3 secs and increasing by 15% its dot damage

    withered blasphemy
    this feat simply inst working or worth it the 10 secs cooldown on withered soul proc alied with this feat doesnt even make sense given its impossible even with this feat to gain more then 1 instant icestrike every 10 secs(although reality is more like every 13-15 secs)
    would be more interesting if this feat decreased cooldown to reuse of unimaginable terror and freeze this would be most optimal feat possible if it it reduced cooldown from default to 25-30 secs

    that cover the old ones wich need a fix i guess.

    now to new ones

    adding a stacking debuff like the one in dead mans encounter, working similar to ranger hunting hawk perk

    undead master
    idea is to reinforce necromancer healing abilities have this perk grant 50% more heals to blood arcanists and reapers, and extend 50% of self heal of life strike to team as well as 50% of mark of devourer self heal to team.
    no need for it to deal damage idea is to expand and make viable using necromancer as a unholy priest.

    idea is to add 1-2 extra pets who grant add 1 proc to all melee pets to self heal faster feed off the living and debuff targets to sustain more damage.
    no need for extra damage on these pets and proc on growing terror should be 2 procs per minute only.

  2. #2


    Some very interesting ideas there Noite.

    I am really intrigued by the "heal spec" necro idea you seem to bring up.

    That would be an awesome ability and give necros options on how to spec.

    Would be great to have a "healer" spec necro and allow us to be sort of a healer. Hell other classes (looking at you DT's and Conqs) have the option to fulfill 2 roles, tank and dps, sometimes even doing both at the same time lol

    To be able to heal and dps at the same time would be a great option imo.

  3. #3


    Just want to add, if a necro could spec to be able to do dps and at the same time, suck life from the target and give it to your group/raid, that would be a pretty neat option for necros. And I'm not talking about current stuff like lifestealers, but a true dps/heal hybrid, that would be a great option imo.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Texan615 View Post
    Just want to add, if a necro could spec to be able to do dps and at the same time, suck life from the target and give it to your group/raid, that would be a pretty neat option for necros. And I'm not talking about current stuff like lifestealers, but a true dps/heal hybrid, that would be a great option imo.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    You are healed for 16 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 194.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 124.
    Your Lifestrike (Rank 5) critically heals you for 1260.
    You are healed for 13 (health tap).
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 157.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 153.
    You are healed for 15 (health tap).
    Your Lifestrike (Rank 5) heals you for 540.
    You are healed for 19 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing critically heals you for 295.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 131.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 198.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    You are healed for 16 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Lifestrike (Rank 5) heals you for 540.
    You are healed for 13 (health tap).
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 198.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 163.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 152.
    You are healed for 18 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Lifestrike (Rank 5) heals you for 540.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 201.
    You are healed for 16 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing critically heals you for 295.
    You are healed for 13 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing critically heals you for 295.
    Your Blood Arcanist's Blood Arcanist heals you for 193.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    You are healed for 14 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Lifestrike (Rank 5) critically heals you for 1260.
    You are healed for 15 (health tap).
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing heals you for 161.
    Your Mark of the Devourer critically heals you for 942.
    Your Lifestrike (Rank 5) heals you for 540.
    Your Mark of the Devourer Healing critically heals you for 295.
    shame is its mostly self heals.
    a pet granting group 50% or even a 100% of those heals to group would convert gameplay possibilities to necromancer to be able to be an "off healer" dps'er

  5. #5


    I would play a necro if there were multiple builds and pets were actually useful for minis outside idiots killing themselves on bombs and some awful tab targeting.

    The heal spec necro is an interesting idea, although you don't want to over do it with big DPS and heals, that would just end up being another conq like revamp.

    But introducing new support elements so other classes can fill gaps would go a long way.

    One thing I liked from EQ was that you had one really powerful pet that had abilities that allowed various forms to tank, heal, and dps. Seeing pets reworked this way into an actual pet class would be nice.
    Doomsayer 2008

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Suctum View Post
    I would play a necro if there were multiple builds and pets were actually useful for minis outside idiots killing themselves on bombs and some awful tab targeting.

    The heal spec necro is an interesting idea, although you don't want to over do it with big DPS and heals, that would just end up being another conq like revamp.

    But introducing new support elements so other classes can fill gaps would go a long way.

    One thing I liked from EQ was that you had one really powerful pet that had abilities that allowed various forms to tank, heal, and dps. Seeing pets reworked this way into an actual pet class would be nice.
    Once upon a time the different pets did, then they nerfed them all to no usable returns. I used to run different pets for different returns depending on group encounter. Now its pretty much only 2 pets used, rest are trash because no matter how much you spec, returns suck.

  7. #7


    Nightmare companions would have been a such fun perk for soloing if it didn't kill your pets to summon them. If it allowed them to be summoned in addition to pets it would have been a great "oh ****" button or just something to do extra dps on hard bosses a
    or huge groups. Also, I think most necros run lich for pvp, not getting rid of despoil stacks may have made it somewhat relevant in pvp (it would also need to be single slot, can't remember if it is 1 or 2).

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Vaere View Post
    Once upon a time the different pets did, then they nerfed them all to no usable returns. I used to run different pets for different returns depending on group encounter. Now its pretty much only 2 pets used, rest are trash because no matter how much you spec, returns suck.
    I remember rearranging skill bars while going through spell book and I was like "what the **** is a harvester".

  9. #9


    I think an awsome perk would be a ress. I think a necromancer has to be able to ress the deads. But only for a short time (1 min or something like that) and after this time char would die again (for the putrefaction of his body or something like that).

    I dont have a clue if this perk would be useless or OP and I dont care ( a let this discution for the "pros") I only think this aility would fit in the role of the class.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by xiulo88 View Post
    I think an awsome perk would be a ress. I think a necromancer has to be able to ress the deads. But only for a short time (1 min or something like that) and after this time char would die again (for the putrefaction of his body or something like that).

    I dont have a clue if this perk would be useless or OP and I dont care ( a let this discution for the "pros") I only think this aility would fit in the role of the class.
    i would prefer to have reanimator as a replacement end feat in reanimation feat tree inplace of slaughter wraith, that whole 11 points chain end feat is pure crap and ill dsigned, and its been a long lasting wish to have a resurrection ability for necros either inate or featable, wich ofc sounds like something any necromancer should have given a necromancer more then study the black magic arts revolving death can raise the dead to serve him in undeath

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