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Thema: Development letter for September.

  1. #61


    This is obviously this is too complex codewise to implement;
    Yakhmar killed: 3 piece bonus
    Vistrix killed: 5 piece bonus
    Kyllikki killed: 8 piece bonus

    More realistically;
    Add the 5 piece bonus for 30 relics with no kill requirements, and add the 3 piece bonus as a drop from Yakhmar.
    EvitoQQ @ YouTube
    THE IVORY TOWER - QQ - Schlenkerla/Hersch

  2. #62


    My personall opinion is that with this change,guilds that cannot clear t5 because their people after getting full benefits without clearing full instance stop giving a damn about the rest of the people inside a guild might actually get the motivation to start raiding again if they want to keep their buffs.All other suggestions sounds good aswell but I would guess they complicate things.

    Overall the idea with the runes sounds pretty nice way of progressing our full decked characters and make us play them more since you can put any kind of different stats in them.

  3. #63


    I like the idea of runes.

    But it's too bad that we effectively lose the concept of set bonus in AoC.

    Although maybe we can have runes from raid tiers, and set bonuses on dungeons sets.
    {Circle of Eternity}
    Lachdanann dt | Aldebarrand guard | Ataraxes demo | Tangorogrim tos | Aranruth barb | Demether pom | Errant ranger | Diluvien sin | Hekatomb necro | Haemmer bs | Nyarlathotep tos

  4. #64


    l dont talk the weapon + necklace minor set bonus running. I am sorry if you have not clearly understood l was told.

    In conq actualy with 2 buff conq you can use Guard of dancing steel combo and you have 75 hate for 20 sec and you can use Breach combo and you have 5% armor for 20 sec. So you can have globaly 2 bonus in same time.

    6 bonus conq is ( armor, protection, crit amou, combat rating, hate and healing bonus)

    But now with the rune in the futur you can use only one bonus in same time, not 2 not 6 because conq have 6 realy bonus, not bonus with neck+weapons or crit amou.

    So that change the advantage and with that is not helpfull use again Breach in my rotation in the futur or l understand nothing ?
    Geändert von Lostworld (2nd October 2015 um 18:33 Uhr)
    " The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you.
    Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.
    And apparently, you have alienated my favourite game, conan.
    I will honour our agreement fool, if you bring me that i have asked you.
    But if you return to me empty handed again... I will bathe the starways in your blood."

  5. #65


    Zitat Zitat von Lostworld Beitrag anzeigen
    I don't think you understand anything, l dont talk the weapon + necklace minor set bonus running. I am sorry if you have not clearly understood l was told.

    In conq actualy with 2 buff conq you can use Guard of dancing steel combo and you have 75 hate for 20 sec and you can use Breach combo and you have 5% armor for 20 sec. So you can have globaly 2 bonus in same time.

    6 bonus conq is ( armor, protection, crit amou, combat rating, hate and healing bonus)

    But now with the rune in the futur you can use only one bonus in same time, not 2 not 6 because conq have 6 realy bonus, not bonus with neck+weapons or crit amou.

    So that change the advantage and with that is not helpfull use again Breach in my rotation in the futur or l understand nothing ?
    I'm extremly confused with this post... Incase you can't seem to grasp that they are moving the setbonus from the gear to a rune.. Meaning, if you have the rune on you it will be identical to now. I wonder how your thought process started with what you are ranting about. NOTHING will change how the finesse hit functions.

    To answer your question. Yes, you understand nothing.
    Professional northmen slayer of saga
    {Circle of Eternity}

  6. #66


    Ok l speak with Mellaus, all is clear now.
    Geändert von Lostworld (2nd October 2015 um 18:31 Uhr)
    " The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you.
    Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.
    And apparently, you have alienated my favourite game, conan.
    I will honour our agreement fool, if you bring me that i have asked you.
    But if you return to me empty handed again... I will bathe the starways in your blood."

  7. #67


    More clarification on moving the T5 set bonuses to the rune system:

    The rune will contain the full rank 8 bonus (so 3, 5 and 8 combined) and will function exactly the same as the previous set bonus, with the exception of some negative pvp stats being added.
    We appreciate the feedback that has been given and therefore we are also adding a rune containing the rank 5 set bonus for each class, this will be purchasable using Tier 5 tokens at a slightly lower price and will have no achievement criteria, this will of course not stack with the rank 8 version.

    Also set bonuses have not been scrapped, there will still be one on the new T6 gear we have just moved in a more generic direction to make this easier to produce. The concept of being able to mix and match set bonuses will be something that should be potentially possible in the future.

  8. #68


    Zitat Zitat von CirithGorgor Beitrag anzeigen
    More clarification on moving the T5 set bonuses to the rune system:

    The rune will contain the full rank 8 bonus (so 3, 5 and 8 combined) and will function exactly the same as the previous set bonus, with the exception of some negative pvp stats being added.
    We appreciate the feedback that has been given and therefore we are also adding a rune containing the rank 5 set bonus for each class, this will be purchasable using Tier 5 tokens at a slightly lower price and will have no achievement criteria, this will of course not stack with the rank 8 version.

    Also set bonuses have not been scrapped, there will still be one on the new T6 gear we have just moved in a more generic direction to make this easier to produce. The concept of being able to mix and match set bonuses will be something that should be potentially possible in the future.
    thx for clarification Cirith
    " The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you.
    Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.
    And apparently, you have alienated my favourite game, conan.
    I will honour our agreement fool, if you bring me that i have asked you.
    But if you return to me empty handed again... I will bathe the starways in your blood."

  9. #69


    Zitat Zitat von CirithGorgor Beitrag anzeigen
    we are also adding a rune containing the rank 5 set bonus for each class, this will be purchasable using Tier 5 tokens at a slightly lower price
    which does not resolve the issue why its necessary to go through T5 again on our toons to be able to buy the runes from a vendor. do you really want to tell me you have to implement another checkup algorythm into the encounter to verify the kill of all T5 bosses despite the fact that the chronicler of deeds can do it already??

    taking away the set bonuses and forcing players to buy them again with T5 tokens will not add any replay value it will only upset most of the players!

    besides some ppl were saving T5 tokens for the weapon vendor and now have to grind even more, again no replay value but only frustration and upset.

    Cirith, is that really your idea of making the game fun and interesting or do you just have to make these things work cause decisions been made already elsewhere?

  10. #70


    Zitat Zitat von TribunLeader Beitrag anzeigen
    which does not resolve the issue why its necessary to go through T5 again on our toons to be able to buy the runes from a vendor. do you really want to tell me you have to implement another checkup algorythm into the encounter to verify the kill of all T5 bosses despite the fact that the chronicler of deeds can do it already??

    taking away the set bonuses and forcing players to buy them again with T5 tokens will not add any replay value it will only upset most of the players!

    besides some ppl were saving T5 tokens for the weapon vendor and now have to grind even more, again no replay value but only frustration and upset.

    Cirith, is that really your idea of making the game fun and interesting or do you just have to make these things work cause decisions been made already elsewhere?

    My Guild can't get past T3 ~
    "Always review over the Social Guidelines before posting on the forums"

    "Please put "Illinois ftw" in your reply to ensure you read all of this ..." -VORBIZ-

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