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Thread: Game Director's Letter - September 2013

  1. #131


    So, with this crafting system we can potentially see a "unique" weapon that's like "the most powerful 2hander" in the entire game.

    Further, if a dev is reading this. If you want this crafting system to be a smashing success you need the items crafted to be potentially* more powerful then any current or future raid item. You may say "well then we'll end marginalizing raid gear" NO, you won't ...stop thinking so one dimensionally. This won't happen mainly because raid items will part of the ingredients to craft that super awesome weapon. This will be the ONLY way to peak interest in crafting... you can have a flawless crafting system that you put a ton of time into but in the end no one will use it if the items being produced is subpar. See, ibis crafting... and how its become an obsession with some people.

  2. #132


    But what you're not realizing is that Funcom expects the real crafters to be doing this sort of thing in bulk.
    Do we have a confirmation for that? Cos if I'm gonna gather hundreds of gold worth of stuff and put it all into crafting window and press the craft button to get 10 similar swords with slightly different stats on them, then this critcraft thing could be tolerable, even exciting for a certain type of criminally insane player. But if I'm gonna get a sword with +3 while the other guy who did exact same thing gets a sword with +5, that won't do. And if the other guy gets the +5 because he spent 5000 gold making a few dozen +3 and +4 swords beforehand to "level up" his critcraft chance, then the revamp has failed utterly.
    That looks like a good sort of "leveling", if you have to have some sort of leveling at all (protip: you don't). That sort of system will divide crafters into masters who (presumably) spends huge amounts of time and effort to level up their crafting and drones who're just random dudes who don't really invest much into crafting. Drones make the basic item by dozens and put them on trader for pocket change, average new/miser player buys basic items to use, master crafters buy a few basic items to reforge them into awesomeness and sell at high prices, vet/rich player buys the awesome item to use. But real world economy works because people have to eat and everything eventually breaks down, so demand never ends; our Hyborian buddies have no needs to keep a supply-demand cycle going (which is why AoC currently has no economy to speak of) and sooner or later any sort of economy will break down like the current one. And implementing item durability or something to create artificial demand would be a whole another damn mess.

    More I think about this crap, the more I be happy that I'm not the one who has to find solutions to this mess.

  3. #133


    There is a crafting resource for new crafting system already in game
    U will b able to craft as long as u hav this resource

  4. #134


    Now i think about it, i think disassembling items is part of the crafting revamp.

    So if you can craft an item and dissassemble it right away (or after a cooldown) because you're not happy with the result, and thus not waste all the mats, then it's not that bad.
    Getting the best result would just be a matter of patience, and every attempt would just cost you several hilts in the case of a sword.

  5. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by Mellaus View Post
    Now i think about it, i think disassembling items is part of the crafting revamp.

    So if you can craft an item and dissassemble it right away (or after a cooldown) because you're not happy with the result, and thus not waste all the mats, then it's not that bad.
    Getting the best result would just be a matter of patience, and every attempt would just cost you several hilts in the case of a sword.
    In which case, expect players to use AutoHotKey to grind out infinite items until they crit. If they are in a megaguild with access to a forge (which most are not and never will be).

    And nothing will be made unless it's maxed out on everything.


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    Last edited by Arishanya; 11th October 2013 at 04:19.

  6. #136


    it will be cool if the critchance will give you a recipe not a new weapon. so you can sell it or become the master craftsman of the holy grail

  7. #137


    Lets not forget that there will be crafting resource (aka crafting juice) that will limit how much items you can craft daily.

    When you are out of juice you need to wait for it to regenertate.

    This is supposed to stop people from spaming stuff, making crit made items very rare.

  8. #138


    If FC has any brains they will make crafting only for "premium" members.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nusquam View Post
    The sieges are complicated because it is a mess of code and systems and hacks that scares me to commit people too. I feel like it could be a development black hole - you throw resources at it forever and you never see anything for it.

  9. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by Redd View Post
    You dont dont understand that Crit chance = random luck based crafting? Where lucky ppl get better items then others with the same effort and time spent? That system is demotivating and frustrating.
    Of course I understand, it's what the notion of crit is !
    The point were we disagree is that I think it's okay to have small, minor differences between an item made with a crit chance and one without the crit, and that you think it's not.

    Beside, I don't agree when you say that "ppl get better items then others with the same effort and time spent". I could happens, sure, but statistically, you would need more time, play, and investment to have crit-made item. If someone want to waste ton of money and time to wait for the crit and have an item which is just a bit different (might be aesthetic changes -change in size or in color, or with +0.5% evade rating, an additional +50 HP or +30 armor, fine ! Good for him. I don't want to. As long as my item is not crap and that Crit is not the only way to have good item, then it's fine for me !

    If I manage to get a critical succes by chance, cool, I'd be extra happy but I won't die if I don't have one. And the guy who want to sink all his time to have the most perfect item ever still can. I don't see the problem with that.

    I would have a problem if crit was the only way to have a viable item and if you have to throw away all the non-crit item because they're thrash.

  10. #140


    Plz, make new craft faster!
    I alredy have 6 characters 80.lvl. Main character is PvP 10, full T4 gear, full AA, and I have nothing to do more in this game. New dangeons olweys have items lower then T4. I know peoples, who leave game for this reason. For what pay? Game is over, no more goal

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