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Thread: can't decide between necro and demo

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Sarhal View Post
    Noite you know pvp is not same as pve, so there is alot personel choices which suits and depends on ppl gaming preferences. So the thing which good for one, could be useless for other.

    Motd 5/5 only good if u care to spam it around on everything what moves.

    I just see u try apply pve approch to pvp alot, its just wrong imo.
    true as it is that i am very much more focused on pve due to lack of pvp content, if you place flesh to worms+motd(5points) on 2-3 people individualy from range its highly eficient self heals independant of using pets or dts, when you just cast plague swarm(wich is still a novelty that its working in pvp it didnt before) you reaply a 30 secs ftw isntead of a 40 secs ftw and you miss out reapplying motd as well.
    your the guy using full t4 in pvp wich highly increases your damage on every spell, and especialy on crits.

    im a lot more conservative prefer to use pvp cloak+crafted staff+pvp chest and have around 36-38% protection and even use supreme lich when too many poms or good hox's are around.
    i find extremely unusual you fury guys are soo eager to defend unholy hands, it always breaks from white hits from parasite skulls, melee team members hitting rooted person and or frozen hatred, i truely find it highly ineficient in all circumstances except rare ocasions i dont have a single melee pet up or friendly melee around, given i tend to try be close to team for protection agains sins and other melees its such a rarety i dont use it pure and simple.
    and like i pointed out those numbers on a rooted person only are possible on using full t4 gear and rooted person having very low pvp protection.

  2. #62


    Pros use pvp gear, noobs go pvp after they grind t4 gear

    Necro was not so good at all without that gear. It is the gear which makes some classes OP, not the class. Sin is faceroll without gear, but guard sucks balls without gear but is OP with gear. Feel the difference

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by JinDjw View Post
    Pros use pvp gear, noobs go pvp after they grind t4 gear

    Necro was not so good at all without that gear. It is the gear which makes some classes OP, not the class. Sin is faceroll without gear, but guard sucks balls without gear but is OP with gear. Feel the difference
    I was doing good with necro even with sh"$y gear against most classes. But it was such fun to see my ftw crit on soldiers for 130 dmg or something like it
    Now its bit better, im pvp 5 with lemurian fire stick, purple SC legs, blue sc chest (i really hate look of pvp t1 gear) and rest is pvp gear, dreamkeper ring, blue neck with const and crit dmg rating on it and some meh lvl 60 back. Still i can often top kills and not just by leaching but with burst. I can only imagine dmg i could do with t4 gear or even full SC and BB.
    Good soldiers are still problem to kill but at least i can cc and run from them. and there are a lot baddies out there so i can do o.k.
    Ye i know that if we are talking about premades you really need good gear to shine and in those minis i guess necro could hamper opponents more than demo. But in pug minis both do good.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Sarhal View Post
    Well, hopefully for you Suctum situation will change after merges, so u can experience alot pvp again and be happy bout it ^^ Even on pvp server if u decide go there.

    And ofc I mention good players, coz dont u think its quite bad idea balance things by feedback of ppl who dont use class potential. Like Bloody Vengeance was existing since game been released but only after it went widespread ppl started 2 cry alot about it and it was nerfed or comboskip case, which wasnot widespread for a long time after adding.

    About premades, dont tell me about, when I met US premade they just left the match 5 mins after start, so I guess we know more about them
    Well, I meant you were not listing only players you thought were considered "good" but just mentioning those who you rather play with or are friends with. PvPers have a tendency to want to give props to those they play with rather than those who they play against. I know there are plenty of players I can't stand because of how they act during a mini or what they say before or after, but I can at least give them the respect of being a credible player and certainly a threat during gameplay. There are many "good" players that run their mouth about how awesome they were 1.4 or 2.1, but they are crap now because their gimmick has been removed. Some are just as good as back then and have adapted to the changing AoC PvP system. Merges and time will tell who is talk and who is crap.

    As for premades, US premades are a joke, and indeed, you probably have seen more of a US premade this year than most of us have. It's too hard to organize a premade, make even teams, and get any interest going because no guilds really care about their PvP reputation or takes pride in being a PvP guild. I belong to probably the most PvP centric guild on US servers and getting more than a handful to do open world is almost a daunting task at times. The competition gives up after a few deaths, use pvp levels as an excuse when out skilled (when they are in K6 or T4 gear which is sometimes better), and really just do not care about open world enough to strategize and get better. They just zone out and wait for us to do the same.

    I think the merge will be great, an instant influx of new players may be able to get people to care about rivalry again and want to kill people just for the fun of it rather than for some stupid badge or token.

    As far as sticking with the post...

    Who uses unholy hands? I have never seen anyone use that for years now, if your numbers were correct I would say I would have seen it being used considering how many T4 necros are running about. Maybe it's just a EU thing, but with so many dots and lingering damage effects around I am guessing it would break after 1 tick of anything. It seems it would be a lot of work to goad someone far enough away from their team just to set up a situation where you could get a full duration with this spell.
    Last edited by Suctum; 17th August 2013 at 00:32.
    Doomsayer 2008

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by barbaricwildcat2 View Post
    from my observation, it depends on how minis go. with low frequency of kills a good necro will tend to have a high proportion of the kills because of its dots. with a high kill frequency good demos will top kills because of the aoe, and burst dmg.

    as a team toon, demo has an acceleration ability, letting it cap faster, it also has a team heal pet. as for necros, i dunno, i seem to win more frequently when im against them, and less frequently when im with them, might just be me.
    Accurate observations indeed .
    Necros have higher KDR than demos , demos have higher WLR than necros (and more friends in their FL )

    -When u see a deadly demo joining your minigroup -> smells like possible victory + nice frags for demo
    -When u see a deadly necro joining your minigroup -> smells like a selfish egotic son of a dockwhore joined your minigroup

    Overall , as Jindae says bellow , Necro is a misscalculated abomination . Demo is kinda ballanced , not the hardest to play for sure , but tons of fun with great skills/specs/perks multi-synergy .
    Etheecx -Necrow R5
    Ebedokles -Priest of Agrigento [threw himself into the volcano!]
    Teargarden -Sin R8
    Teagarden -Ranger R7
    Tempgarden - DeaTea R8
    Teadealer -ToS R3

    Ethicx -Demonologist R10
    Bedtime -Guardian R5
    SponsoredHox R3 delight

    *Chaotic gooD*

  6. #66


    You dont know if demo or necro for pvp? Roll sin problem solved

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Audrey- View Post
    Accurate observations indeed .
    Necros have higher KDR than demos , demos have higher WLR than necros (and more friends in their FL )

    -When u see a deadly demo joining your minigroup -> smells like possible victory + nice frags for demo
    -When u see a deadly necro joining your minigroup -> smells like a selfish egotic son of a dockwhore joined your minigroup

    Overall , as Jindae says bellow , Necro is a misscalculated abomination . Demo is kinda ballanced , not the hardest to play for sure , but tons of fun with great skills/specs/perks multi-synergy .
    That's because it goes back to my original point about Necro CC's. Demo CC's can and should be used to support your team and CC for burst. You have enough to spend in that way. Fear is not that great of a CC when Dt's are spamming DP and almost every Guard will drop OS as an escape rather than a CC bomb, most matches I am in I see Fear immunity up on everyone almost all game.

    The only CC necro really has going for them is the pet snare, their stun is ok, but with so many classes having a featable Stun or Fear resist, I just don't see many Necro's using their CC's for their team play, just escapes.

    Of course I don't play max range, I play more of a mid range game where I am close enough to CC for team mates and DPS bursts.
    Doomsayer 2008

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Suctum View Post
    That's because it goes back to my original point about Necro CC's. Demo CC's can and should be used to support your team and CC for burst. You have enough to spend in that way. Fear is not that great of a CC when Dt's are spamming DP and almost every Guard will drop OS as an escape rather than a CC bomb, most matches I am in I see Fear immunity up on everyone almost all game.
    It's the same for every CC. Poms with repulse, conqs spaming BoA or breakthrough,...
    Vali~The Mental Mushroom
    Vehl~The Pink Flamingo
    Vahlie~Redhead's bane
    Tisane~Kettle of Xotli
    Nvah~ . . .

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Vehl View Post
    It's the same for every CC. Poms with repulse, conqs spaming BoA or breakthrough,...
    Its not the same. KB is not often resisted and only but one class has a featable snare resist. Meanwhile stun and fear are featable by Pom, hox, demo, necro, barb, and guard. Each of these classes can have a stun or fear resist higher than others.

    The fact a necro has to rely only on a stun and fear when most classes van resist it to me makes their ccs weak. And of course they have a root but the animation is so predictable you can almost always avoid it.
    Last edited by Suctum; 18th August 2013 at 13:12.
    Doomsayer 2008

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by noite80 View Post
    by the way not feating 5 points in motd is huge mistake for pvp.
    This was taken from the Necro section ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by noite80 View Post
    more then 1 point in motd is a waste heal wont escalate in a worthy way neither will damage 1 point is enough for 500ish heal( 900ish if crit) after dot finishs, its duration+minor health returns during its duration arent worth more then 1 point.

    not worth it.
    one point and its around 500-600 heal crits around 900-1000 if death god or crit buff up sometimes 1200ish(rare) all that from 1 point.
    doesnt scale properly imho to be worth more then 1 point.

    nothing lowly about having your own opinion whatever suits better to your playstyle.

    for me i rather spend those 4 points elsewhere in more dps or survival stuff given 1 point is good enough for me, epecialy given dps increase with 5 points in motd is realy low
    Make your mind up!

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