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Thread: Crazy T4 tactics?

  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by Mantic0r3 View Post
    nope the buff on projections do increase dmg on pads
    Must be much smaller increase since I can't handle x5 near projection on my PoM, while I have no problem surviving and healing people on platform with just green+blue and either LoP (+10% deflection) or big heal. People don't go below 50%.

  2. #92


    could be due to group setup, like nec buff and so on, but i can feel the difference when projections arent killed, and no its not that minor

  3. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Mantic0r3 View Post
    could be due to group setup, like nec buff and so on, but i can feel the difference when projections arent killed, and no its not that minor
    Even in "full tank" gear (11k life, 35% prot), I can't survive 2 hits near the projection if it's at x5 and there's no way I could outheal it - I can only use bubble or run away.

    While we're on platform, we only gear for 8-9k life and ~20% prot (+ necro buff on top) and no one goes below 50% (usually not even below 75%). If the bombardments won't go out of sync, I'm using the same heals for the whole fight.
    Last edited by Misiuggah; 7th June 2013 at 04:37.

  4. #94


    so you use the full nuke tactic with only 1-2tanks&1healer for projections?

    from what i've seen your and my experience is totally different :/ while i never tried to stand in a x5 buffed bombardement i can surely feel the difference in bombardements when projections dont get killed because necro buff cd doesnt work as it comes to often and i lose more hp each time (in the beginning i dont care either but it gets worse with buffs)

    Only thing I could imagine is that if u never kill them they follow another mechanic than when u try to kill them and dont succed!? would be strange :/

  5. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Mantic0r3 View Post
    so you use the full nuke tactic with only 1-2tanks&1healer for projections?

    from what i've seen your and my experience is totally different :/ while i never tried to stand in a x5 buffed bombardement i can surely feel the difference in bombardements when projections dont get killed because necro buff cd doesnt work as it comes to often and i lose more hp each time (in the beginning i dont care either but it gets worse with buffs)

    Only thing I could imagine is that if u never kill them they follow another mechanic than when u try to kill them and dont succed!? would be strange :/
    Tell your necros to feat into the AA that reduces the cd and increases the duration of Quell the Ether. Quell is easily up for every bombardment round.

  6. #96


    with the normal interval u dont even need to feat it to have it up every time...

  7. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by Mantic0r3 View Post
    so you use the full nuke tactic with only 1-2tanks&1healer for projections?
    2 tanks 1 healer. It gets hard only if the fight is longer than 6min and projections have 5 stacks - tanks have to run away/use DS and that makes it harder for the whole raid...

    BS can stand near projection basically the whole 8min. (I have to run away max 2 times, on the last bombardments) if he has proper build and gear. PoMs have to run away from projections pretty early (even with almost 40% prot) - standing at 5 stacks is impossible without bubbles, you can only survive 2 shots tops. If I have the same clothes as on the platform, my PoM is basically one-shotted.

    You can't compare platform and projection bombardments.

    From our experience, the only issue is when projections can't cast spells on tanks and change casting pattern. I don't know how exactly it works, but running away and using DS can cause it. We used to do this in the beggining and "double" bombardment was a common thing, now we try to avoid it as long as possible and bombardments are regular.

    This week the fight took like 5:30 and every platform bombardment was exactly the same. Blue + green + necro buff + LoP was enough to keep people at 80% on the middle platform. Mess with projection aggro for 2-3s and the bombardment is longer, everything becomes harder.
    Last edited by Misiuggah; 7th June 2013 at 10:57.

  8. #98


    mmh i cant argue with your experiences and we never tried that tactic.

    anyone other experiences?

    but i will ask about DS

  9. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Mantic0r3 View Post
    but i will ask about DS
    Sometimes the projections can mess up the bombardment right at the beginning if the pull was sloppy (tanks didn't aggro immediately), but check if you're using DS or if aggro holders are breaking LoS.

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Mantic0r3 View Post
    with the normal interval u dont even need to feat it to have it up every time...
    not true. you need at least 2 points in it. otherwise cd is longer then timer on bombardment. its not much, but with every bombardment you can activate it a little later. only with 2 pointsa at least cd on quell of ether is shorter/the same then timer on bombardment.

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