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Thread: Crafting: A new game barrier ?

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by LunaticAsylumLA View Post
    Someone also said that old recipes will be obsolete, which is not acceptable for a lot of people (people like Idoll).
    The old recipes will give you skins that you can use with your new crafts. You could potentially use low level looks with high end stats. I think thats pretty cool.

    The crafting rewamp is the most important update to Conan in years. Bring it!

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Scandral View Post
    The old recipes will give you skins that you can use with your new crafts. You could potentially use low level looks with high end stats. I think thats pretty cool.

    The crafting rewamp is the most important update to Conan in years. Bring it!
    It's going to have to do better then just skins to keep most people that put the time and effort into finding them.

    For some the crafting revamp is the least important update to AOC and think the resources should be used to correct lag, dc's, and other truly important issues instead of screwing something up that only needed tweaks in the first place.

  3. #13


    The main flaw of the current crafting system is, that it had not ANY update in recipes since long before Khitai and there is NO way to customize things. Also for some things the amount and the accesibility of resources is ridicolously high or charbound. Otherwise it adresses the hunter/gatherer/collector type of players quite well (lunatic is not the only one who likes low level things and finding and collecting things).

    How is the new system adressing these things?

    Will i need a T3 raid to dye my lvl20 armor green or black (if that is even possible)? What about f2p? Will they be able to craft good things or better things than now or lack the chance to get ingredients/skins?

    Another concern is, that, if funcom has ANY respect left for the people supporting them in the past years, they will work on conversion rules (even if there are no more receipes, you CAN convert systems, through compensation or ingame mails with combinations of how to craft the same things, people could craft before or the according skill levels). A one time compensation will probably not be good enough. Not only those having found rare receipes should get a conversion/compensation, but everyone doing the crafting quests too.

    Also these conversion rules should be communicated at least one month before the introduction, so people can adapt and prepare.

    The finding and collecting will for certain become less important than the material gathering (grinding) and size of crafting group/guild. Without skills or receipes or individual influence, it will not work out well, i fear. Individuals might keep things secret, but it will be expected to share from them in guild, with friends etc.. This will lead to a poisoned, less friendly and less casual atmosphere and increase the suspicion OR it will soon be no secret at all (imo the better way). Especially if it will be so, that the usual chosen few (not eveeryone CAN or wants to go TestLive) will be able to test out combinations on TestLive.
    Last edited by Kurt2013; 5th April 2013 at 05:59.

  4. #14


    Is there really no end to what we can choose to get our knickers in knots for? Lets panic about something that isn't even on Test Live yet. Let's draw conclusion on something we don't have full knowledge on yet. Let's stomp our feet and scream wolf because the GD is on a holiday.

    Speculation is bad for your health.
    My main alts:
    Cylien Assassin - Whirlwind of death. As in dies a LOT
    Scythie Conqueror - And Petal her mammoth
    Karalee Guardian - "My sergeant says an army marches on it's belly. But I ain't never seen that! "Shakes her head vigorously"

    Shameless self promotion

  5. #15


    It is not speculation. It is just pointing out the minimum that should be done when changing something important. Experience has shown funcom does seem to neglect these things.

    Personally i still think it can be much better or much worse, but that is mainly because funcom does not enlighten the community about these basic rules. Just saying "we will not compensate" OR "we will have exact rules for the conversion we will publish in time" OR "we will change it suddenly in a patch with few days announcement" should help with rumors and speculations.

    And we all should know, that once something is on TestLive, the basic principle will rarely change (tweaks yes, change in principle no) matter how much you make suggestion, exact criticism or give alternatives (Bori, ranger revamp, sprint revamp). The major flaw with Bori is there even years after introduction, ranger is hardly played except for a few hardcore players or gankers and the sprint revamp still is not balanced out after months (though they did a lot here, so maybe there is hope for the crafting revamp handling).

    I will keep pointing out the method to avoid any more desasters (which they can't afford really), because i like the game. When changing a system, you simply do not do it without documenting the changes, listening to feedback and do thorough testing before going live. This includes info on how you want to treat the existing system and considered alternatives and paths to discuss. This whole process can be done with a one to few people don't need a big group to do proffessional work.

    For example they could open an official thread with points that are fixed already, points still open to discussion and some points unlikely but possible under certain conditions and some points extremely unlike or not included for sure. Something like a FAQ that gets updated during the process...
    This will be a real step against speculations and open up the opportunity for players to not only bash the change, but also point out the changes they really like about the new system. Not opening up such a forum in time or keeping the rules secret till the last point, will only feed the speculations and negative rumours and the impression, that "they" don't know what they are doing.
    Not even speaking about the sign of respect it would be to involve more than a chosen few in the process (how can i suggest now any constructive change not based on speculation with the kind of info i have?). A lot of trouble could have been avoided had they done it with the sprint revamp too...only through player effort here and on testlive some positive changes have not been forgotten or have been implemented (sadly after a few bad patches and some bad blood thanks to the sudden introduction while it was not finished on paper, yet).
    Last edited by Kurt2013; 5th April 2013 at 10:16.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by RingOfSet View Post
    So, if you manage to discover the super secret combination to get that +1000 Critical recipe, potentially you will (and your close friends) will be the only people on the server or even the game that will have it. Further even if someone figures out the same recipe your critical success rolled weapon could still be the best.
    First of all why you whine so much about stuff that is :
    -not out yet or
    -things you have no clue about?

    Wait and see on test live when its out then start QQ also I don't think FC will be so stupid to create such items where in set you can go over 30-ish % crit chance on all classes ( I also know that there are classes that have this much in t4 gear) but it's a class design and nothing wrong about it (Sin is great example). Last but not least good designed crafting will draw people in, there is no way it will be opposite, so stop qq and enjoy the game please.

  7. #17


    Wait and see is fine...but why is there nothing since end of 2012 on TestLive, but they seem to know enough about it to give out interviews?
    Nothing against interviews, but if you do it that way only, without assuring the playerbase that you know what you are doing (like posting plans, rules or ideas to them too) is at least quite risky and bound to breed rumours and speculations.

    Otherwise, how am i to take such info seriously and not put it in the speculation or marketing drawer?

    Personally (and probably for many others) a successfull crafting revamp introducing more customizing options and adding some economy and fun again, will be a very strong reason to move money to funcom...or even not.

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt2013 View Post
    It is not speculation. It is just pointing out the minimum that should be done when changing something important. Experience has shown funcom does seem to neglect these things.

    Personally i still think it can be much better or much worse, but that is mainly because funcom does not enlighten the community about these basic rules. Just saying "we will not compensate" OR "we will have exact rules for the conversion we will publish in time" OR "we will change it suddenly in a patch with few days announcement" should help with rumors and speculations.
    But they HAVE said that, in fact they have said many times that long time crafters and mat gatherers will be compensated.

    But, shard hoarders will have their shards still. And i think that is really the only resource worth worrying about as it is the one thing the entire game economics revolves around. (Which sadly means that the gold spammers will still be in business. FC should just sell the shards in the in game shop, or even frigging Ibis swords, maybe then they would be out of commission finally. :P )

    Lets panic when we know what to panic about.

    Thing is that it doesn't matter how many times they write something in an update, comment on something in a thread, correct a misinterpretation or animosity based on hearsay and someones speculation on another persons guesses they will always get back that they don't listen.

    I for one am happy about that in most cases, because otherwise there would have been a rollback to 1.4.
    My main alts:
    Cylien Assassin - Whirlwind of death. As in dies a LOT
    Scythie Conqueror - And Petal her mammoth
    Karalee Guardian - "My sergeant says an army marches on it's belly. But I ain't never seen that! "Shakes her head vigorously"

    Shameless self promotion

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt2013 View Post
    For example they could open an official thread with points that are fixed already, points still open to discussion and some points unlikely but possible under certain conditions and some points extremely unlike or not included for sure. Something like a FAQ that gets updated during the process...
    I would love this! I think this sort of gets woven into the Monthly Dev Letter and Update Notes but I suspect you mean in more detail and taking into consideration player feedback (Suggestion Thread).

    I do not care if deadlines are not met; in the real world, things don't work as intended when we want them to, especially when it comes to programming. However, it is really nice to know what is and what is not being under consideration!

  10. #20


    [...]ranger is hardly played except for a few hardcore players or gankers[...]
    Totally ! I barely see any rangers in mini-games.

    Another concern is, that, if funcom has ANY respect left for the people supporting them in the past years, they will work on conversion rules (even if there are no more receipes, you CAN convert systems, through compensation or ingame mails with combinations of how to craft the same things, people could craft before or the according skill levels). A one time compensation will probably not be good enough. Not only those having found rare receipes should get a conversion/compensation, but everyone doing the crafting quests too.
    Players that had those recepies got compensation via the amount of gold they made. Isn't that enough ? Not to mention the current available recepies are pretty useless for most of it.

    The good points i see with crafting revamp:
    -Guild content, being able to gear up friends would be great.
    -Finding recepies keeping them safe, trying to learn new ones is fun, more active than farming endlessly the same bosses till it loots.
    -They said you'd have a PvP set through crafting that doesn't involve PvE.
    -More dynamic game economy at least for a few months.
    -More populates harvesting zones: hunting on PvP servers !!!
    Vali~The Mental Mushroom
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