Many of you may remember old school books that you could read, that let you choose the path in which your character would progress. Much like those stories, we wanted to bring you our own spin on these.

Welcome to Epic Tales of Uncertainty!

Each week, until your adventure is concluded, you- the forums- will choose the path for your character. A poll will be made (see above) that will give you choices- choices which can lead to riches, fun, and yes- even death. The rules are simple:

  • Vote.
  • This is a for "fun" forum game.
  • You may reply here to try and sway your fellow forum go-ers, keeping in mind our lovely Social Guidelines.
  • You may speculate as to how the decision will impact your character
  • You could even go so far as to think how many weeks your character will live
  • Winning consists of choosing the right choice that leads the character to a "happy ending."
  • Every vote will have 4 choices
  • The ones who vote for the winning choice (each week) will be awarded a new forum title of "Uncertainly Epic"

With the rules clearly stated, we now begin our tale:

The sun beats down on your withered body. As your eyes continue to adjust to the bright sun, you ponder your situation.

Sure, you could stay here if you wanted to, and perhaps continue to reflect on things, but you think there may be better things for you to do on the road south. Resting would certainly be good for old bones such as yours, but that damned sun is just so very hot.

The road north is bright and sunny, and this does nothing for your already leathered skin. You have been to hell, and found it comforting- yet this sunny road worries you. You could easily imagine horned beasts frolicking with rainbows and.... joy.. throughout. This upsets your stomach quite a bit.

Meanwhile, something is calling you from the south. A voice that you remember from long ago. An ancient voice... that almost sounds like Gol-Goroth.

Of course, you could go alone- but you're a necromancer! You should have some protection with you, if for no other reason, to provide some cover should you need it. You look behind you, and there on a rock, perfectly impaled by an apparent fall, is just the body you needed. It's still breathing, but that shouldn't be an issue for such a skilled necromancer as yourself.

The sun is relentless in its heat and luminosity. You don't want to stay here too long, as the sunniness is ruining your perfectly awful disposition.