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Thread: Is barb the only class that has to swith weapons in one spec to cc?

  1. #31


    my barb pvp t1-t2 geared atm (pvp7) no tokens for gear.

    and id say that i do much better with barb than sin, more usefull in minis etc, and i top kills even in zerg spec vs t4 necros...

    100% focus objective thou

  2. #32


    Merged a few threads that seemed to be about the same thing.
    Also cleaned up some posts.
    Last edited by Drest; 2nd October 2013 at 12:07.
    Hamsters and rangers and everyone, REJOICE!

    Note: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Funcom or its management.

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf-of-Evil View Post
    1. irrelevant, l2p

    2. correct, but high in the tree and has 15% evade, and can be avoided all together really, l2p

    3. the 2h version I agree, but bone shatter is really for the heavy bleed combo in dw, duh, l2p

    4. ? stunning punch 5 and earth shatter are the same, if not faster, than most other stuns?? l2p

    5. I, like most people, have changed the hotkey for weapon swap and it is instant for me, I can easily change it while moving, or getting up from a knockdown if needed, simple l2p here

    6. with atrocity and without warning they stack pretty fast, l2p

    7. l2p issue again

    8. that was cool, but really isn't realistic, or relevant to the class

    9. hit stuff and your crit rating goes up, and there are some boosts as well, l2p

    10. zerker stays at 20, while reaver can more than triple that, l2p

    11. running your buff and knowing when to use jc, or bone shatter really, makes it a lot less "week", l2p

    12. learning to hit things on the move, or using the aa to extend the stacks, l2p

    13. it's like you have never played the class... better l2p

    14. barb needs to be set up, some debuffs thrown out, and buffs used with stacks, and you can annihilate people, l2p

    15. if you stand in one place just spamming wreck armor, you deserve to lose, l2p

    16. clobber 5 is basically a snap kick with a physical wrack, l2p

    17. tweaks yes, some other classes adjusted, soldiers as example, but no revamp, we do not need another sin, ranger, conq failure, l2p

    We have learned you know very little, and wish to complain to make this class very easy so you can win, when really, you just need to l2p
    1. (yes I was lost on this too)

    2. (yes but when people have above 15% hit rating how good is that? I have tested stacking evade and still in the process of doing so. Evade seems to be broken with Barb. Even if I use 2X 1h edge evade / protection t3 weps, +3% from gen, BB barb set, "What it takes = 60%) I STILL get hit a TON maybe.. MAYBE i dodge 1 hit but ONLY and ONLYYYY if I use What it Takes and double tap.

    3. (If you consider 185-215 per tick a heavy bleed you must be crazy, Also this removed stam pots? must be a troll)

    4. The speed it ok with me but they are not faster the most stuns.

    5. Switching weps does take practice. Might be a L2P on this one.

    6. I would be willing to bet my account that you almost always use ATG in PVP.

    7. No comment

    8. We do need root back (or should I say I want it back?)

    9. But most are consumed on a white hit and I believe he is talking about COS combo (which should not even be used much in PVP because it takes 10 years to get off and if it doesn't crit is not that great. If they made COS faster I think it would be more viable in PVP).

    10. Zerker gives 20% from stance+35% reverse Swing, +20% from Swarm fighter, +775 combat rating from Rampage, +15% from Rampaging horde 1 point, + 20% from blood frenzy, + approx 700 combat rating from Blood Fury (and only consumes 5 stacks)and I believe another 20-30% from welcoming death if person is below 35%.... (math no easy) Oh and the BASE DPS is about 50-100 more with 2h wep.

    11. If you are not using your buffs when you use your wreck armor, then you're doing it wrong IMO.

    12. learning to hit things on the move <-- agree, But the other most will use ATG if not you lose some more burst.

    13. Actually he is correct here.....

    14. Burst is not that weak if you have your cool downs ready.
    i.e. WA4, with Shrapnel, too many to count and Dance of death + ATG = damn near 1 shot clothie.

    15. He didn't say anything about standing in one place. He said it takes longer than most classes which is true. But only really matters VS tanks IMO.

    16. Snap kick is much faster and torment is only if feated

    17. A lot of AA's need to be updated due to sprint revamp. Also the evade bubble is damn near useless.. Not high enough evade and too long of a cool down. Tools at hand.... you're joking right? Bone shatter removed stam and mana? lol kidding right?

    Stop being so rude to this guy. Instead offer advice that might help him get better. Don't just bash him and call him bad.
    In addition to that If anyone is on the BARB thread with a HOX / DEMO / whatever next to their name... GTFO

  4. #34


    You would lose your account as I use upheaval and without warning and have for a while. This guy is also doomkiller and ringofset, and this is his 10th, if not more, thread on the same topic. The mod even merged some together and there are still more, I mean look at the post right before yours. He is complaining to try and make barb even easier, when realy barb needs some tweaks, and other classes adjusted or toned down.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf-of-Evil View Post
    You would lose your account as I use upheaval and without warning and have for a while. This guy is also doomkiller and ringofset, and this is his 10th, if not more, thread on the same topic. The mod even merged some together and there are still more, I mean look at the post right before yours. He is complaining to try and make barb even easier, when realy barb needs some tweaks, and other classes adjusted or toned down.
    I am not saying he is not over the top. I am just saying some of his comments are true. Most people that comment on the barb section don't play one and probably get wrecked by barbs which is why they fight to have barb ignored. The is no denying that barb aa's and reaver side needs some work. Sever = MAX 1k dmg adder if you land every white hit and combo finisher. Predatory instinct is negligible (rangers is 30% and only requires 3 points) when you take everything into consideration that requires a barb to be effective it really is outdated. I am not asking for more dmg. I can deal with that. But more options of build or more tools in reaver side / aa tree would be great.
    Doomkiller is not the best guy on the server but he still has fun like everyone else so lets not bash him too hard. Doom if you want some tips for reaver I would be willing to share some advice if you want it. Contact me on Crom my name is Shrapnell.

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by PunkJiuJitsu View Post
    6. I would be willing to bet my account that you almost always use ATG in PVP.
    Few barbs use ATG on Fury, 30s CD is just awful and when it doesn't crit it's pretty mediocre. I used it when I was a newbie barb with bad gear to steal some kills but that's long ago.

    Bone shatter (DW) or upheaval (zerker) + without warning absolutely all the way.
    Expert Shield of the Risen opener.

  7. #37


    Bears need to switch to bow if we want to trigger green heal from range

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Lurvi View Post
    Bears need to switch to bow if we want to trigger green heal from range
    Your mom needs to switch to a different cell phone carrier so I won't recognize her number as she will not stop calling me.... I mean, wrong class section.

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Lurvi View Post
    Bears need to switch to bow if we want to trigger green heal from range
    Need bow snare back too ! héhé
    Vali~The Mental Mushroom
    Vehl~The Pink Flamingo
    Vahlie~Redhead's bane
    Tisane~Kettle of Xotli
    Nvah~ . . .

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by PunkJiuJitsu View Post
    I am not saying he is not over the top. I am just saying some of his comments are true. Most people that comment on the barb section don't play one and probably get wrecked by barbs which is why they fight to have barb ignored. The is no denying that barb aa's and reaver side needs some work. Sever = MAX 1k dmg adder if you land every white hit and combo finisher. Predatory instinct is negligible (rangers is 30% and only requires 3 points) when you take everything into consideration that requires a barb to be effective it really is outdated. I am not asking for more dmg. I can deal with that. But more options of build or more tools in reaver side / aa tree would be great.
    Doomkiller is not the best guy on the server but he still has fun like everyone else so lets not bash him too hard. Doom if you want some tips for reaver I would be willing to share some advice if you want it. Contact me on Crom my name is Shrapnell.

    Yah, man thanks for the backup. And I know you on Crom. You are good for a barb (me too, jyggernaut). But with the barb's limitations, even with full t4 and aa'd out, we will never be on top.

    BTW, I am way better than most barbs and it is a very hard class (no armor and you have to be in very close range) obviously if we kb some we can do damage but it is an IF statement, with ranged dps it is never an if statment b/c they just point at you and your already hit, with conq it is just as easy (plus ppl ignore them).
    If you look at the average barb on kd in the average mini, it will hardly ever be as good as that of a necro, demo, ranger or tank (which is totally wrong).

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