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Thread: [Guide] Macros in AOC

  1. #1

    Default [Guide] Macros in AOC

    repost from old forums

    "Macros for Stupid People" - By Request

    Here lies the skeleton of a manual on macros.

    As soon as I write it. I promise to have SOMETHING up this afternoon.
    The Basics
    Macros in Age of Conan are text files that reside in your /Age of Conan/scripts directory. They can be created with any text editor (Notepad/Wordpad), and are used from inside the game as a /slash command.

    Your First Macro
    * Navigate to your /Age of Conan/scripts folder.
    * Right click and select "New -> Text Document"
    * Open it in Wordpad or Notepad, if necessary.
    * Type (or copy/paste) the following into it:
    /emote grin
    /say :%m grins at %t:
    * Save the file as 'grinat.txt'
    * Find the file in your scripts folder, SINGLE click it (to select it, but not open it)
    * Hit F2 (or Right Click-> Rename)
    * Remove the ".txt" from the name, and hit enter.
    * Your OS will complain about possibly making the file unusable - you're not, you're making it usable...
    * Load Age of Conan.
    * Target someone or something.
    * Type /grinat into any chat window, and hit enter.

    Your character will chuckle a bit, and you'll see ":Yourname grins at Targetname:" in /say.

    Congratulations! You've got your first macro!

    Colored Text
    Since Age of Conan doesn't put Emote actions into chat like most of the titles we're used to, the next thing that is probably of use is to color the text in your macro, to make a 'pseudo-emote'.
    Macros can use some HTML tags. <font> is one of them.
    /emote grin
    /say <font color="#ff9900">%m grins at %t.</font>
    What changed? We used the <font> tag wrapping our /say text to change the color, and we took out the : marks indicating an emote, since now our emote will stand out from "regular" /say chatter.

    Next Steps
    I spent about a week puttering around with macros, creating the ones that fell naturally to my fingers from 2 years of playing WoW, like /dance, /chicken, /laugh, /smile, /grin, etc.
    I often will have two versions of a macro, like /grin (for just grinning) and /grinat (for grinning when I have a target in mind)
    If you're looking for ideas, you might start with /em <tab> <tab> in game. That brings up a list of existing emotes that you can use for inspiration - or even because /writhe is so much easier than /emote squirm_on_ground.

    Nifty Things

    **I'LL SAVE YOU!!!**
    The Code:
    pause 200
    pause 200
    pause 200
    /invite %t
    What it does: It sends three tells to your target on a 0.2 second delay (hopefully getting their attention), then throws up an invite to them. Hopefully, they're not grouped, and accept the invite - then you can throw down that wicked DPS without fear that you'll kill them in the process.

    Goldspammer Reporting Macro
    According to Funcom, the proper way to report a goldseller (at this time) is to open a petition, change the class to 54 (Chatspammer - which is forwarded to a special team), then delete the petition.
    This macro automates that process, and adds an insult ("may you have a long death and a speedy trip to hell") in Chinese (OK, spammers are usually automated - change the message to be whatever you like, within the ToS, of course), then ignores the spammer.
    /petition I've received goldspam via a tell from player %1 advertising website %2.
    delay 2500
    /tell pet updateclass 54
    delay 2000
    /t %1 Wo xi wang ni man man si, dan kuai dian xia di yu!
    delay 2000
    /ignore %1
    delay 1000
    /tell pet delete
    USAGE: /gs <name> <website>
    After a couple weeks using this, the keystrokes I wind up using are actually

    Guild Advertising Macro
    I'll annotate this one later. Pick it apart at your leisure.
    Posts a link to your current channel that when clicked opens an infobox that:

    <br><a href="text://<font color='red'><u><div align=center>YOUR GUILD NAME:</u></div><br><br><font color='red'>Guild Information:</font> <br>YOUR GUILD INFORMATION/DESCRIPTION/ETC.<br><br><font color='#B8860B'>Guild City:</font> GUILD CITY INFORMATION HERE<br><br><font color='red'>How to Join:</font><br>HOW TO JOIN YOUR GUILD HERE<br><br><a href='chatcmd:///t GUILDLEADER MESSAGE TO GUILDLEADER HERE'>GUILDLEADER</a><br><br>">TEXT FOR LINK IN CHAT HERE</a>
    It all must go on ONE line to work.

    Funcom's Official PvP Response
    This one is for shutting up people whining about PvP.
    It references a post by the Community Manager regarding what is and is not allowed in PvP - with emphasized text for the "Too Long, Didn't Read" crowd.
    This must all go on ONE line to work in-game.
    <br><a href="text://<font color='#ff0000'><u><div align=center>TIRED OF GETTING GANKED?</u></div><br><br>Here is the Official Funcom Customer Service Post on the matter:</font><br><br><font color='red'>PvP is acceptable in all shapes or forms. We have built-in mechanics that allow the player being killed to find a way out of it. When those mechanics fail or do not function as intended we will step in. Until then we will be as hands off as possible.</font><br><br>When do we take action? When it crosses the line. <font color='red'>You can camp someone until the next day if you want. More power to you.</font><br><br>What you cannot do is verbally threaten them or use inappropriate language. You cannot use exploits or bugs to kill other players, or for any reason, for that matter. <font color='red'>The game is rated M, but that does not mean you can use racial slurs or issue personal attacks.</font><br><br>If you feel like it, bring all 300 of your friends, enemies, or whatever and beat each other senseless.<br><br>- Raakam, Funcom Customer Support Lead">Tired of getting ganked? Official Answers In This Link!</a>
    Funcom's Official PvP Response - New Player Help Friendly Version
    Same thing, shortened to fit into the limits of New Player Help. Get the newbies off on the right foot! This, too, must go on ONE line to work.
    <br><a href="text://<u><div

  2. #2


    Nice post slith, but can you share me the script for changing partcles ? I dont know setoption parametrs

  3. #3


    You can simply ingame type /setoption SpellEffect_DisplayLevel followed by a number, where 3 = Myself, 2 = Group, 1 = Raid, 0 = All or put it into a script:

    /setoption SpellEffect_DisplayLevel %1
    Lets assume you named the script Effects and want to set particles to myself then you'll write /Effects 3 in chat.

    If you want a dialog for changing the effects, then make a script and use this code:

    <a style="text-decoration:none" href="text://<p></p><br>Effects <a href='chatcmd:///setoption SpellEffect_DisplayLevel 3'/>self</a> <a href='chatcmd:///setoption SpellEffect_DisplayLevel 2'/>group</a> <a href='chatcmd:///setoption SpellEffect_DisplayLevel 1'/>raid</a> <a href='chatcmd:///setoption SpellEffect_DisplayLevel 0'/>all">Effects</a>
    You can skip the style parameter if you don't like it and also <p></p><br> as it only creates an empty line first to make the dialog look slightly better.
    Last edited by Foxcat; 3rd June 2013 at 08:27.

  4. #4


    make sure you check out the scripts section at AOC>TV as well.
    I am Stian ingame...

  5. #5

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