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Thread: quick and dirty guide to age of conan pvp for new players

  1. #1

    Default quick and dirty guide to age of conan pvp for new players

    you start off in tortage. you'll want to do the night time quests as much as possible, until you're level 9. go do some outdoor quests until you're 10, then return to night time. keep at it as much as possible, you can do most of 1-19 without spending much time in white sands getting ganked by epeen twinks such as slog. once you're 19 or 20, defeat strom. you may want to try to pvp a little bit at this level, but dont take it much to heart. class balance is bad and theres tons of twinks.

    once you get off tortage, you may encounter other people while questing. try to talk to them, and get some good 1v1 practice in. circle strafing, using CC's, etc, will improve you. read the buffs on them after using CC's, and learn what they mean. knowning what the CC icons look like will improve your skill. for 20-40, gateway to khitai and wildlands are the fastest exp. once you hit 40, go to noble district (from old tarantia) and do some quests there, and the 3 or 4 villas (i forget how many) are all cooldown quests you can do every few hours. keep repeating these until 80, they scale to your level.

    40-50, you want to be in field of the dead. since the quest revamp, there is much more to do here. 50-55 you can do EG mountains, maybe till 58 but it gets slow. 55-60 thunder river is a good place to be. ymirs pass is another place to visit around this level. 60-65, maybe even 70, you want to be in atzels approach. once you're 68-70, head to keshatta. you can quest up till about 74-75 in keshatta. you can also go to common district (from old tarantia) for 75-80 quests and mobs. for 75-80 though, its mostly a grind. your best bet is DMC, or joining a guild that will help you grind there. if you buy khitai, you can start doing khitai quests at 77, i think. wood by the riverside in paikang is good exp but gets boring fast.

    good, we're past the noob leveling ****. now you need to find an armorsmith or buy some armor off the trader. usually theres decent crafted blues for most classes on the trader. if you need gold, you can do wood by the riverside in paikang for 10 silver every 5 minutes. now you need a weapon. you can go to coast of ardashir and do the arena quests and get the 59 epic weapon, it's pretty decent for 80. you can also try the arena in noble district, but it wont be as good and doesnt give a weapon for every class.

    once you're able to kill khitai mobs in northern grasslands, you'll want to head over to and look at the armory. there are all the faction armors listed for each faction and class. you may want to ask a vet which faction to gear up on. the armors you're purchasing are listed under faction armors, and cost Marks of acclaims and gold. You will get plenty of gold doing khitai quests.

    once you're in full khitai blues, you'll probably have a few AA points to use. most classes put the first few in pressing and decisive strikes. you want to work toward your CC break. this is very important. go after perk bar AA's before ever investing points in 1% damage increases. from here, its all minigames and 6mans for gear. good luck

  2. #2


    This thread was created for new player help, to help reduce all the questions/tortage QQ. Hopefully new players on blood and glory server will benefit from it.

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