• Fixed the cause of several client crashes.
  • The search function at traders should again work as intended and show the correct search categories.
  • Character Creation: Facial hair on the Aquilonian face "Chivalrous" will now be displayed correctly.


  • Esperan should again wear clothes now.
  • Some Priests and Mage NPCs, that didn't fight back anymore, should now fight again.


  • Fixed an issue which caused adds in the Kyllikki encounter to not function properly
  • Fixed a reset issue in the Kyllikki encounter.

  • The possible number of leaders for each government type should now be fixed again.

  • The veteran reward XP potions should now also work when in a group, being apprenticed and during a raid.


  • The Quest "Feeding the Hungry" on White Sands Isle should again work correctly.
  • Order in the District : It should again be possible to solve this quest.

PVP Minigames

  • Fixed a problem where PvP Minigames would not always start even though there were enough players signed up.

  • Guilds: Government types and ranks are now again showing in the correct language.