I just wanted to take a minute to give you good folks a quick update on the current update plans over this summer period. With 1.05.3 now safely deployed to the live servers we are working towards two updates at the moment.

There will most likely be a smaller 1.05.4 update that contains some small fixes, and some more class and balance adjustments. This we will be most likely deploying to the test server in a couple of weeks time, then the live servers soon after.

Then we have 1.05.5 which is currently planned to contain the Iron Tower, a new level 80 single team instance in Tarantia Commons, and some additional updates, tweaks and fixes. This update will be on the test servers probably mid to late August.

There may be some smaller clean-up updates after that, but the focus will then switch to the testing and release of the 1.06 update cycle. I will be talking a lot more about what's included there in the next community letter!

So there you have the current plans so that you know what to expect in terms of updates and what we are looking at timing wise right now